文章来自:admin 阅读次数:879
主办单位: 再生医学教育部重点实验室(暨南大学——香港中文大学)
2016年12月9日(星期五) 暨南大学图书馆一楼 文献演示厅 时间 主讲人 演讲题目 主持人 8:30-8:50 陈伟仪 开幕式,暨南大学及香港中文大学领导致辞,合影 蔡冬青 8:50-9:05 金真伊 暨南大学 Oligoclonal expansion of TCR Vδ T cells may be a potential immune biomarker for clinical outcome of acute myeloid leukemia 陈伟仪 陈建苏 9:05-9:20 曹丹丹 香港中文大学 SRY potentially regulates early dopaminergic differentiation from male hiPSCs 9:20-9:35 李善义 暨南大学 Biomimetic platforms by a perfusion system and 3D spheroid culture promote the construction of a tissue-engineered corneal endothelial layer 9:35-9:50 Chung Cheuk Yiu Tenny 香港中文大学 Roles of BRE in DNA Damage Recognition and Repair Responds of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells 9:50-10:05 夏景波 暨南大学 Effects of FoxO3a deletion on cardiomyocyte proliferation and cardiac function 10:05-10:35 茶歇、墙报讨论 10:35-10:50 邹敬江 暨南大学 Targeted deletion of endothelial Atg7 reveals a critical role of autophagy in the control of endothelial cell paracrine for skin wound healing in mice 蔡冬青赵晖 10:50-11:05 Marina Dukhinova 香港中文大学 Thrombocytes Regulate Neuroinflammation, Neuronal Repair and Plasticity during Traumatic Brain Injury 11:05-11:20 张萍 暨南大学 Effect of Ethanol Exposure on Cranial Neural Crest Cells Migration during Early Chick Embryo Development 11:20-11:35 梁爽 香港中文大学 Hypoxia Inducible Factor-α in Mature Osteoblast Regulates Hematopoiesis 11:35-11:50 肖程聚 暨南大学 Acute cigarette smoke exposure lead to delayed corneal wound healing by the activation of the sympathetic nerves and over-release of interleukin-6 11:50-14:00 照相、午餐 14:00-14:15 刘子然 香港中文大学 Functional Study of Zinc Fingers SWIM Domain-Containing Protein 4 (Zswim4) during Early Xenopus Embryonic Development 万超 14:15-14:30 梁健欣 暨南大学 Novel protective effects of Baicalin on high-glucose induced chick embryo malformation and its molecular mechanisms 14:30-14:45 孟晨玲 香港中文大学 L3MBTL2 is Required for Spermatogenesis and The Maintenance of Male Fertility 14:45-15:15 墙报讨论 15:15-15:30 张逸凯 暨南大学 Identification of miR-125b targets involved in acute promyelocytic leukemia cell proliferation 杨雪松 15:30-15:45 李文玲 香港中文大学 The Functional Roles of Hippo Signaling Pathway in Bone Development 15:45-16:00 高麟芮 暨南大学 Excess imidacloprid exposure causes the heart tube malformation of chick embryos 16:00-16:20 茶歇 16:20-16:40 评委老师 颁奖、致闭幕词 蔡冬青 欢迎感兴趣的师生积极参加!